Author: Masumi Atul Parmar
Intelligence by: Jessie Tee
Published: Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
Digital marketing is no longer a luxury but a norm for many years now, however merely dabbling with it does not equate to doing it well. Most brands and businesses have adapted to the technological savvy generations and established their own channels online by now, yet not many are consciously aware of the potential or implications of their actions.
Over the years of iWISERS’ services, we found that there are a few common challenges that businesses face when adapting to a digital marketing environment. From the lack of resources including analytic tools and manpower, to being unfamiliar with the latest trends and chatter spaces, the digital space can be a difficult terrain to navigate for those who are unprepared. In this situation, it really helps to have an experienced guide who can assess your current circumstances and needs to adjust the business strategies accordingly.
Businesses looking into digital transformation may come from a variety of backgrounds, across industries, size of entities, and existing practices. While some may be making a drastic shift from relying on traditional marketing to incorporating digital initiatives, most others would have had their share of experience in testing the virtual waters of social marketing. Whichever it is, the first step necessary is always to assess and understand the business’ current objectives and capabilities.
iiWISERS have dedicated consultants who can assist clients to assess just that, and plan a roadmap to fill the missing pieces required for a smooth transition. Be it setting up relevant digital assets, crafting a persona, compiling a marketing playbook, or reassigning their manpower to the necessary tasks, these consultants leverage on knowledge and experience across industries and countries to best cater to your specific needs.
With this, businesses gain access to insights and resources beyond their reach to ensure they are well prepared and equipped to make the leap. Even better, the consultancy and mentorship services do not have to end once the transition is made, as the consultants can continue to provide insights and guide you along the way as you encounter new challenges or scenarios.
The simple answer to this, is a sense of certainty and safety. Knowing that you have an advisor and partner who has years of experience in the industries having your benefits in mind provides a sense of assurance for new (and old) entrepreneurs deciding to venture into something new. To have a clear understanding and knowledge of what you are stepping into allows you to plan the necessary actions, and avoid risking time and resources in options that may not yield the results desired. This in itself is a major gain on its own.
But apart from having assurance and a clear roadmap, having a consultant by your side also allows you to build on your ideas and get valuable feedback from someone experienced. If you would like to revise the strategies or tweak the way your business is run, the consultant can provide you insights and discuss the potential outcomes and implications. This level of communication is difficult to have with your team who may be too focused on their own expertise or lack the experience to add value to your ideas. In this scenario, your consultant practically acts as a trustworthy business partner to help you grow your business. After all, it always feels a little lonelier when you are at the top, and everyone could benefit from having a companion.
The immediate benefit comes in the form of clarity and direction, this will help to ensure the transitions and changes happen smoothly. Knowing exactly what to do and what to look out for provides certainty and stability whenever change happens. Your team and business will be able to mobilise the resources and new processes to the new direction with minimal friction. There will be sufficient time and resources for the teams to implement these changes as well, minimizing potential crises or delays.
Once the transition is completed, you will be able to notice a significant increase in the outcome of your marketing efforts, compared to the results when left to experiment on your own. Whether it is brand positioning, gain in market share, increase in follower base, or overall interaction with your audiences, you will have a faster and easier time understanding the insights and responding to them swiftly. Your team will also have a clear guideline on how to respond in any given situation, providing your customers a smooth experience and quality service.
While the transformation process can be daunting, especially when you are clueless about how to do it, the benefits of digitisation outweighs the cost. Yet it needs to be done with a certain order or strategy in mind to minimize risks and optimize your results in the process. As such, there is nothing better than having an experienced consultant to guide you through the process and even after. Double the gain and half the pain. Are you up for it?
iWISERS has a multitude of social intel solutions and custom objective research services working with brands across APAC. Drop an email at [email protected] or chat with us on LinkedIn@iWISERS for social intel or industry studies that enable people-centric-data-based decision making.